Who am I, and what do I do?
I am Jonathan Thurston, creator of the Edenitus Brand as well as the character John Monstrous Marthias the Lizard Monster. I created him as well as his family and friends as a way to express my love to my family as most of the characters are based on real-life family and friends, but I also do have original characters too. I love to be an artist and composer. I'm also a Christian, a servant of Jesus Christ who loves the lord and does his best to practice what I learn, I like to share his beliefs with other people and connect with other Christians too so that I can never be alone as the world's going through so much persecution, chaos, and terrible corruption, but many of us refuse to give up on bringing the word of God to the world. The music and art that I make are my way and expressing myself. Through God's word, I see truth, inspiration, love, and extraordinary lessons and things to see and learn about. I wanna use art to make others joyful, I want to create worlds with good stories and lore of their own. Long story short; I like to be creative through my spiritual connections. Through what I said, I say to you this "Don't give up on the lord and trust and love the holy spirit until the end. You can make things possible through faith." As Bob and Larry from VeggieTales once said, "God made you special, and he loves you very much - Bob and Larry from VeggieTales 1993-present"